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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #630 il: 10 Mar 2015, 10:28 »
Si ma non dimentichiamoci del fatto che tutto cio' che abbiamo visto finora girava al 99% su super PC. No, no, stavolta non mi faccio fregare, s'aspetta. Polacchi passo piu' lungo della gamba? Mi sa di si.
Vabè Amico, t'aspettavi davvero che girasse su console? Intendo i primi trailer soprattutto.
In quel caso l'ingenuo sei stato tu, il vero problema invece è che il downgrade riguarda ANCHE la versione PC, indi scordati di rivederlo "quel" Witcher 3, su qualsiasi piattaforma :/
Macche' ingenuo, non sono piu' ingenuo dal 1979. So benissimo che TUTTO quel che vediamo nelle anteprime gira su pc da 5000 euro, ma questo si risolve facile facile con una leggina ad hoc, ovvero obbligare gli sviluppatori a dire su quale macchina gira il loro ultimo filmato. Altrimenti...multina! Pubblicita' ingannevole! Mi pare strano, anzi, che non esista gia' una cosa del genere, tanto scontata.
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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #631 il: 10 Mar 2015, 11:04 »
Basta aspettare che il gioco esca invece di preordinarlo sei mesi prima e il problema è risolto.

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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #632 il: 10 Mar 2015, 11:18 »
Se e' per questo io non solo non preordino mai nulla ma anzi aspetto quei 2/3 mesi extra e compro tutto a meta' prezzo. Il punto e' che resta pubblicita' (molto) ingannevole e non so se e' del tutto legale. Non rispecchia (se non alla lontana) il prodotto finito che poi ho sotto gli occhi a casa mentre gioco. Ma finche' si continua a prenotare roba pur sapendo che le case usano i mezzucci da venditori di elisir, questi non la smetteranno mai.
"Vendo Xbox One, acquistata oggi - me ne voglio sbarazzare in fretta".

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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #633 il: 10 Mar 2015, 11:46 »
Il punto e' che resta pubblicita' (molto) ingannevole e non so se e' del tutto legale.

Il fatto è che non è pubblicità: è un'anteprima di un gioco non completo e, come si premurano di specificare tutti, non necessariamente rispecchia il prodotto finito.

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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #634 il: 10 Mar 2015, 11:54 »
Io spero che quando uscirà non si parlerà solo della grafica, ma magari anche del gioco...

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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #635 il: 10 Mar 2015, 12:44 »
ma le due zone comunque sono differenti, detto questo il famoso VGX trailer dovrebbe corrispondere alla versione ultra che i polacchi non hanno mai mostrato. Lo hanno detto pure alla GDC che non la faranno vedere se non al day 1, perché vogliono lasciare "scemi" i giocatori di quanto è bello. Sperem, io sono pronto a fare l'upgrade se è come il VGX trailer, perchè quella è vera next gen.
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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #636 il: 10 Mar 2015, 13:06 »
Si ma non dimentichiamoci del fatto che tutto cio' che abbiamo visto finora girava al 99% su super PC. No, no, stavolta non mi faccio fregare, s'aspetta. Polacchi passo piu' lungo della gamba? Mi sa di si.
Girava su Pc, ma non sta scritto da nessuna parte che fosse super PC, anzi da quello che si è visto sino ad ora, e dalle dichiarazioni dei programmatori, fino ad adesso, VGX trailer a parte, hanno mostrato solo il dettaglio High, visto che è quello comune a tutte le versioni in uscita, mentre i primi video staccamascella erano probabilmente ad Ultra e con tutti gli effetti Nvidia attivati.
Chiaramente se ti metti a mostrare una cosa del genere come se fosse il gioco per tutti non solo prendi per il culo gli utenti console, ma anche chi non abbia schede Nvidia su Pc, quindi secondo me dal punto di vista commerciale hanno scelto di mostrare sempre e comunque il minimo comune denominatore (che non è affatto male), e poi mostreranno eventualmente il dettaglio Ultra...
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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #637 il: 20 Mar 2015, 21:41 »
New The Witcher 3 information from Gamestar


There are 4 difficulties (easy, medium, hard and dark) which differ in the skill of the monsters you face. Hitpoints remain the same.
You can bargain for more money after finishing your monster contract through some sort of minigame.
The side quests are extremely well made with great writing and branching.
Potions are a necessity on higher difficulty levels. You only need to craft a potion once and you can refill it if you have enough alcohol present. Potions are upgradeable for stronger effects. Stronger potions will increase your toxicity more
Novigrad and No Man's Land are indeed one single map, much bigger than Skyrim. The isles of Skellige form the other big part of the game. Next to that, there are 5-6 other separated locations, including Kaer Morhen.
No enemy respawning or at the least not very frequently
Best items in the game must be crafted
They were very impressed with the story branching and how it is not always obvious. Correcting 'wrong' choices by saving/reloading will be very difficult if not impossible.
Contrary to BioWare games dialogue options are not good or bad, this you will have to figure out for yourselves.
They really liked the in-game card game Gwent, praising its design.
The game features two really big cities: Novigrad and Oxenfurt, both very lively.
The are of No Man's Land features 25 smaller towns, some of which are the size of Flotsam from The Witcher 2.
Geralt can rob people, although the system is too easy and feels a bit lacking.
journalist (level 7) was one shotted by a wyvern (level 24). No level scaling.
Ciri sequences will be (in total) 5-10h and feel more like an action-adventure game than an RPG
Extra storage can be made by crafting saddle bags for your horse.
Many small details such as Roach stopping to eat apples from a basket
All equipped items are visible in-game on Geralt
Fist-fighting is back, this time no QTE
World never felt empty
Journalist didn't encounter any simple fetch quests


The HUD is fully customizable. Icons and quest markers on the map can also be deactivated. Audiovisual hints (e.g. people screaming for help) will be present if you wish to do so.
Journalist encountered no clone NPC's
Controller feels superior to keyboard+mouse.
The extremely annoying doors from The Witcher 2 are gone. Doors are now opened automatically, no button pressing. No loading times for entering buildings either.
Day 1 patch confirmed
Xbox One resolution will stay at 900p
Geralts beard will grow over time
Switching between controller and mouse (for menu's) is easy and fluid
Most impressive dynamic weather system in any game he has ever played
They encountered very few bugs, no crashes of freezes.
Ultra seems to have a big effect on the quality of vegetation and character models[
No slider for LOD
Visual gore more prominent than in The Witcher 2
« Ultima modifica: 20 Mar 2015, 21:47 da Top Dogg »
Xbox Top Dogg Xyz
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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #638 il: 20 Mar 2015, 21:45 »
Geralts beard will grow over time


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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #639 il: 20 Mar 2015, 21:46 »
Additional inFo from Live Q and A

journalist played 10-12 hours, had full access to the game and reached level 7
game is already at Sony & MS for admission
resolution on Xbox One will definitely stay at 900p in order to offer a stable performance
fluid gameplay on 1080p with everything on maximum +nvidia hairworks on GTX 980 -> looks
- Ultra settings are impressive, especially the rich vegetation and character models; there can be scenes where difference between high and ultra won't be that noticeable; lighting is impressive: for instance evening light falling on vast flower fields of a parfum-maker
Looks insanely good for an open world game
two big cities with Novigrad and Oxenfurt (which is really big as well)
you cannot enter every house in Novigrad but it's cleverly masked if you can't enter one
Novigrad and No man's land are connected, only seperated maps, only loading time between main land and Skellige
Novigrad+No man's land are much bigger than Skyrim alone
no button for opening doors anymore, all doors are swinging doors
extremely lively interiors, every interior tells a different story
There are around 25 "villages" in No mans land and Novigrad
there are towns in the game of the same size of Flotsam
cities have a realistic eco-system and surroundings with real suburb parts in which craftsmen are located like in medieval times
last active skill-slot (12th) at level 50, level cap could be even higher
whole world feels quite realistic and organic
Combat with gamepad very intuitive and fluid
diving is still not optimal in terms of controls, but you can dive everywhere
gamepad controls are apparently much better than mouse/keyboard according to the journalist (m/k on TW2 level)
it's still too easy to rob people, robbing system in general is lacking
whole game is consequently open world so pacing could be difficult for some
passages with Ciri are like a linear action-adventure, not like a RPG, plays differently and more action-fueled than Geralt's passages (no inventory, no skill tree, depending on the scene Ciri has certain skills)
side quests are great and each tells its own story with people actually reacting to Geralt
sound and subtitles can be combined freely from different available languages
there will definitely be a day-one patch
high grade of visual violence with dismemberments with a higher gore-level than TW1 or TW2, but still feels organic and consistent
items can be crafted and decomposed
best items in game must be crafted
game world can change based on your decisions
there was indeed no slider or adjustment option for the draw distance/LOD but according to the journalist he was happy with it
there is the cleverly constructed illusion of a realistic world but traveling is never boring and there is always something to discover
even if you disable markers for quest givers on the map the game gives you audio-visual hints like people screaming for help
the journalist never had the feeling that the world is "empty"
no sudden changes of environments (e.g. desert to humid regions), organic and consistent world
"sandbox elements" and random stuff is limited, so no fights of townpeople against dragons like in Skyrim, you can only influence the world to a certain level
as far as the journalist has experienced it there will be little to no enemy respawning, enemies haven returned during his two days in the game
the game is open world but actually almost everything is "controlled" and "planned" by the developers
The Quests aren't randomly generated, they appear on the same spot
He did not encounter any simple fetch quests
many things are commented by Geralt e.g. when he tracks down leads with the Witcher senses
mutagens can be very powerful, like 40% damage enhancer for signs
very different enemy types that feel and play differently
no "clone" NPCs, every NPC in Novigrad for example looks differently
every potion and bomb must only brewed/crafted once
potions have different quality levels, can be improved, e.g. Swallow can offer more healing and more slots
crafting is extensive
you can for example increase the inventory limitations of your horse by crafting bigger saddle bags but you must actually go to your horse to be able to have access to these bags
every region has its own color setting and feel
Most dynamic/impressive Weather System the reporter has ever seen.
clouds cast shadows
bad weather like storms can happen everywhere
game loading time is extremely short on the high-end PC
saving and loading times are also extremely short
some huge buildings and story-relevant special areas have loading times, normal buildings do not
story branching in quests is excessive and impressive with not always "transparent" or easily visible effects, for example one quest had six "decisive" elements that could have gone down in a different way if the journalist behaved differently
"it will be impossible to play Witcher 3 two times in exactly the same way"
different to Bioware games dialogue options are not "obvious" and every possibility makes kind of sense, no sign whether an answer is "good" or "bad", only quest relevant options are marked (opposite to chatter and non-quest related dialogue options)
due to the complex way of story branching it's difficult to find times and locations where "things went wrong" if you want to develop your game in a different way
Ghwent is awesome according to the journalist, great design and entertaining
fist fighting is without QTEs now, it's just like normal fighting with hard and fast strikes and such
there are now negotiation minigame for quest rewards like bargaining for a monster hunt (before and after quests?)
there are horseraces similar to RDR, biggest focus on stamina management during races, you can even buy better saddles for horseraces
every item you choose is visible on Geralt's ingame model
Geralts beard will grow. You have to go to a barber after a few days
you can enter and play whatever region you want but you get hints where to start by your main quest (e.g. search Ciri in Novigrad's surroundings) if you want enemies that are on a similar level to yourself, but it's up to the player how he wants to progress
Level 24 Wyvern one-shotted level 7 Geralt
soundtrack was good, but neither really negative nor outstanding, but dynamic and decent, fits to the situation and location
some reactions from NPCs to things you did, but rather small comments, journalist admitted that he didn't play the game long enough for probably bigger reactions
tutorials are integrated into the story/progression and worth the effort due to good dialogues
the game is really immersive and "drags you in", feels and plays a lot more fluidly than the predecessors without being less complex
there is a chance that they won't be able to hold the level until the end of the game (speculation since two days were surely not enough to get to the end) but the journalist was truly and deeply impressed by what he saw and played
potions are quite important, especially on harder difficulty settings
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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #640 il: 20 Mar 2015, 21:49 »

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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #641 il: 20 Mar 2015, 21:49 »
onestamente pare davvero troppa roba
però alimenta l'hype, poco da dire  :yes:

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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #642 il: 22 Mar 2015, 09:31 »

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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #643 il: 22 Mar 2015, 09:50 »
They were very impressed with the story branching and how it is not always obvious. Correcting 'wrong' choices by saving/reloading will be very difficult if not impossible.

Muy bien.
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Re: [PC][XO][PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
« Risposta #644 il: 22 Mar 2015, 10:29 »
su leggevo un articolo che sintetizzava il contenuto di un reportage tedesco. Uno dei punti è: "niente LOD con slider". Qualcuno saprebbe tradurre in italiano?
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