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Autore Topic: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain  (Letto 413326 volte)

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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1875 il: 27 Apr 2015, 12:25 »
Darò via al MediaWorld, Bloodborne o Dying per MGS, bene.
XBOXLIVE: MrKatana74 - PSN: MrKatana74 - STEAM: MrKatana - NINTENDO: Mr Katana

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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1876 il: 14 Mag 2015, 21:27 »
Non so è stato riportato qui da qualche parte, ma in questi giorni si è tenuto presso gli studi di Kojima Productions (RIP) una serie di speciali sessioni di gioco per vari giornalisti che hanno potuto provare il gioco per ore e ore.
C'è un embargo fino al 09 Giugno per i resconti dettagliati, ma ci sono già una serie di impressioni pervenute da coloro che ci hanno messo le mani.
C'è una discreta raccolta degli stessi su NeoGaf.

Il gioco della vita.
Ci sedemmo dalla parte del torto visto che tutti gli altri posti erano occupati.

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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1877 il: 14 Mag 2015, 22:19 »
Si sto leggendo tutto su twitter (addetti stampa che rilasciano impressioni a caldo)

Mega. Se su Peace Walker ho speso 70 ore, mi sa che su questo arrivo pure a 100. Goodies a fontane.
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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1878 il: 17 Mag 2015, 14:44 »
In attesa delle preview, pensavo possa essere utile un riassunto di quanto twittato da chi l ha provato, courtesy of NeoGaf

Originally Posted by Sn4ke_911
"Arrived at a temple carved into a mountain on a horse that's pimped with camo-armor. The moonlight makes me look like Zorro \m/ #MGSVPreview"

"iDroid map tracks tanks' journey, to help plan attack. Pumping manpower into Mother Base Intel team improves map details too. #mgsvpreview"

"This sixth mission offers as much freedom and stuff to do as the entirety of Ground Zeroes. Truly GOTY material. #MGSVPreview"

"Really good example of 'open world' stealth as you have a large region in which to ambush the vehicles. #mgsvpreview"

"I spent most of the 1st hour of the mission gathering medicinal plants and hunting birds. Yeah, you can do that. And it's ace. #MGSVPreview"

"After a day with #MGSVPreview, what I like the most is the polishing, despite being months from launch."

"Fan of David Lynch? Yeah, you'll enjoy playing what I'm playing now. #MGSVPreview"

"The world is huge, the options are endless... And Big Boss is more Big Boss than ever #MGSVPreview "

"There are secondary missions you can have Diamond Dogs members to complete [like Outer Ops in Peace Walker]"

"Mission throws in bonus objectives - free a political prisoner being transported, or ambush an arms truck for rocket launcher. #mgsvpreview"

"I finally found the weapon and something incredible happened after (MGS fans will love this). Really wish I could tell you all #MGSVPreview"

"The game doesn't follow your conventional MGS formula. It's new and fresh and I'm sure newcomers will love it. #MGSVPreview"

"After finishing the mission all I could say is wow. It's one of those games that people will keep playing for hours. #MGSVPreview"

"The attention to detail is incredible: the day light effecting your vision, wild life, and 80s music. I freaking love this. #MGSVPreview"

"My favourite part? You can steal tapes of 80s pop songs and play them mid-mission as your own soundtrack. #mgsvpreview"

"Blowing up tanks to The Man Who Sold the World is pretty spectacular. #mgsvpreview"

"I also upgraded my iDroid so I can play music out loud - not great for stealthy runs, but good for dramatic entrance. #mgsvpreview"

"OK, one last thing: if a certain MGS1's villain's mindfuckery was your thing, then The Phantom Pain will be right up your alley. X, Sam"

"So, let's talk Mission 7. Here's an interesting fact – we're doing this one AFTER mission 10. Goodbye linear mission orders. #mgsvpreview"

"By the way, the loadout is totally our call. Want to take nowt but rockets (provided you've researched them?) and 'nades? Sure! #mgsvpreview"

"Our loadout includes a silenced AM MRS-4 assault rifle, a RENOV-ICKX sniper rifle, the WU S.Pistol for tranq darts, and C4… #mgsvpreview"

"TPP is ALL about gathering intel to press forward. By systematically interrogating guards we uncover the meeting room. #mgsvpreview

"But we're old school, so we choose to be quiet. We picked the mission start time at night, so it's dark. That gives us the edge #mgsvpreview"

"The action is so good that it's always a temptation to go in loud. And there are gun emplacements everywhere to tempt you… #mgsvpreview"

"Each mission has its own contained story but the overarching lore has its… moments. We'll say no more!"

"…and plant some C4 in the expected path of one jeep. Boom, one target down, and the base infiltration gets a lot easier. #mgsvpreview"

"Thanks to our Intel team, their expected routes are on the iDroid map. So we pick our heli drop off point far to the south… #mgsvpreview"

"So, three targets and total freedom on how to approach. One target is already at the location, but the other two are en route. #mgsvpreview"

"Every small town feels like classic MGS setup, with multiple infiltration points and routes. #mgsvpreview"

Google Translate:

"When it starts the mission is set type movie , with the cast , the main characters and guest stars #MGSVPreview"

"Before each mission, you can personalize equipment: swimsuit, primary and secondary weapon, explosives, companion and character #MGSVPreview

"Work on accompanying music is enormous . Positional audio , enveloping soundtrack that adapts to the pace of the game . #MGSVPreview"

"Before you can choose a mission #buddy! The horse or #Wolf? #mgsvpreview"
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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1879 il: 18 Mag 2015, 07:37 »
Mmmhh, non ho ben capito quella su Lynch.
[IG], [PSN] jbittner82, [Switch] SW-0209-2836-6111, [Stadia R.I.P.] jamp82#1318

Offline stepkanevra

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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1880 il: 18 Mag 2015, 13:54 »
Mi sono perso gli ultimi aggiornamenti: nulla è stato compromesso dalle ultime vicende interne a Konami?
Dai che questo è l'ultimo gioco che gli compro a sta massa di infami. Intanto Hideo è tornato a twittare come se non ci fosse un domani, buon segno?

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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1881 il: 18 Mag 2015, 21:27 »
Mi sono perso gli ultimi aggiornamenti: nulla è stato compromesso dalle ultime vicende interne a Konami?
Dai che questo è l'ultimo gioco che gli compro a sta massa di infami. Intanto Hideo è tornato a twittare come se non ci fosse un domani, buon segno?

Sicuramente entra in sony :yes:
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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1882 il: 18 Mag 2015, 22:57 »
Zoe é una IP Konami, ma spero che un giorno ci sforni un bel gioco a tema, magari un mezzo plagio  come il gioco di Mega Man di Inafune

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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1884 il: 05 Giu 2015, 08:57 »
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Receives New Details Taken From Magazine Preview

Robe varie da chi ci ha messo le mani sopra e che mi guardo bene dal leggere:

- They say the opening hour is astonishing and one of the greatest they’ve ever seen. The original Phantom Pain/Moby Dick Studios trailer didn’t touch on it’s full brilliance. They say it’s completely different in tone to the rest of the game and almost horror-esque.

- Early on you can interrogate guards but you don’t understand Russian/African; it’s useless until you do a side-op to Fulton a translator. This unlocks the ability to understand foreign dialogue from enemies.

- Can get easily around the map using fast-travel with cardboard boxes. Orange signposts are delivery points and you can collected and dropped off elsewhere like in MGS1 and 3, but far more useful because it’s open-world.

- ‘Loadout’ screen like in Peace Walker, you can select the time of mission start, weapons, gear, tools, mechanical arm (electrocution is just one type), explosives, buddies, boxes, starting vehicles and player character. Says you can play as your generic troops, like in PW. You can have a car or lorry with you from the start, if you want.

- Lists the Buddies as Quiet, Horse, Dog, and mech-walker. Says the mech walker can go turbo, you can put it on cruise-control, and upgrade its skill-tree to give it more stuff like CQC and a stun-gun. You only unlock the mech when you finish a ‘specific’ mission whilst using the mech (danced around spoilers here).

- the dog attacks enemies and finds things in the environment that shows up on the iDroid. The horse is invincible. You can put a prisoner on the horse like in Red Dead.

- Says Quiet’s presence actually lowers morale on Mother Base, probably due to being a former antagonist.

- Setting off the alarm in a large base causes reinforcements to drive in from smaller, adjacent bases nearby. You can choose to shut down the smaller bases first to stop potential reinforcements, or sever smaller communications dishes in the main base to cut them off. You can also call the chopper to act as a distraction in an adjacent base, which removes reinforcements from the the base you want to get into, thinning out the ranks.

- The larger satellite dishes on the bases control automated AA defences. Blow them up and you can call for chopper extraction at closer points.

- Cardboard box tobogganing, says you can run and press square and you go into a funny slide, which retains momentum if you’re on a hill.

- Named Ah-Ha, Billy Idol and David Bowie as helicopter tunes to choose from.

- They had a whole section on his notepad ready for notes on how it performed/technical complaints, and the only thing he wrote at the end of his whole session was that some foliage occasionally pops-in in Africa, i.e it was mostly perfect.

- Counted 14 or so major bases in Afghanistan, and over two dozen smaller outposts.

- Minor spoiler, they said once you rescue Miller the base you take him from floods with gas.

- Minor enemy spoilers about the pale, weird looking soldiers from the trailers: They’re called the Skulls, they can run faster than your horse, have glowing green eyes, and are described as ‘unkillable’ but the word is in inverted commas so there’s probably a way. They’re compared to MGS4’s Haven Troopers in that they fit the enhanced soldier archetype. They hunt you down after you rescue Miller.

- This has been said before, but the missions are presented a little like TV eps, with opening and closing credits. They remark how it wouldn’t matter if Kojima’s name was scrubbed from the box art and marketing because it’s EVERYWHERE in the game.

- Every mission has smaller side-objectives that bring extra rewards if you check them all off. Reminds me of Assassin’s Creed bonus objectives (or GTAV if you like). Says it only tells you the bonus objectives once you’ve finished the mission once, encouraging replayability without distracting you with it on the first pass.

- There’s a great screen of DD riding in a jeep with Snake.

- You have to upgrade the Fulton to extract heavier stuff. When extracted, it’s gone from the map for good, so you can’t farm for infinite stuff.

- Says that like PW, there’s a lot of cassette tapes to flesh out the story if you want to.

- Game structure is open-ended. Numerous missions are open at any time and you don’t have to go back to Mother Base in between. Some ‘Important’ side-ops open up new story missions. The game rewards you constantly with new blueprints and tapes.

- Some side-ops have you rescuing ‘crazed’ survivors from your MSF base-destruction 9 years ago.

- One side-op you have to tranq and extract a ‘legendary brown bear’.

- New Mother Base is in the Seychelles. Compares MP to Dark Souls invasions, which can simply turn off in the menu.

- Goes over the base management, tl;dr sounds like a richer version of PW. Outer Ops seems to be back to send your Combat soldiers to.

- Wash blood off of Snake at the Mother Base showers, do target practice or fight with new recruits. Says MB starts off disappointingly small, but soon grows and adds new layers and levels. Morale of your men will drop if you don’t visit it often enough.

- The item to view enemy soldier stats in the field before Fultoning is back from PW.

- Mission completion times are recorded to the thousandth of a second.

- There was a lot more they saw, but not allowed to talk about yet.

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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1885 il: 05 Giu 2015, 09:13 »
- Early on you can interrogate guards but you don’t understand Russian/African; it’s useless until you do a side-op to Fulton a translator. This unlocks the ability to understand foreign dialogue from enemies.
Quanto razzismo c'è in questo trafiletto?

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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1886 il: 08 Giu 2015, 10:18 »

Offline stepkanevra

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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1887 il: 08 Giu 2015, 10:50 »
Bellissimo. Avrebbero dovuto fare una cosa del genere anche per la cover :(

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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1888 il: 08 Giu 2015, 11:02 »
E molto anni '80  :yes:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
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Re: [Multi] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
« Risposta #1889 il: 08 Giu 2015, 11:10 »

dio se c'è l'ho duro.

p.s.: ma conterrà anche Robot Unicorn Attack 2?  :D
[IG], [PSN] jbittner82, [Switch] SW-0209-2836-6111, [Stadia R.I.P.] jamp82#1318