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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #135 il: 30 Ott 2013, 11:41 »
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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #136 il: 31 Ott 2013, 20:13 »
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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #138 il: 05 Nov 2013, 20:17 »
"Non è stupido avere un'opinione, è stupido convincersi sia per forza giusta quando la possibilità che sia sbagliata, soprattutto quando tratta argomenti di cui non siamo competenti, è molto alta." (cit.)

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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #139 il: 07 Nov 2013, 13:02 »
Dead Rising 3 runs at 720p and 30 fps

What native resolution is Dead Rising 3?

Josh Bridge: 720p. And I'm really happy with that, with the sheer amount of stuff we have in an open world game locked at 30fps, that's just brilliant. Of course our UI (user interface) runs at 1080 native on top, but no, we're a 720p game locked at 30fps.

Did you ever want 1080p native?

Josh Bridge: It was not really something we actually set as a mantra. When we first started there was no platform, it was PC and we were just targeting next-gen, and 1080, even before then we thought it'd be prohibitive to even consider that, because essentially you have to do everything twice, which is just massive when you think of it. It's more important that the end image looks awesome - look at how much stuff is on screen, that's always been a Dead Rising sort of brand. That still looks really good, and that's been our goal. I hope it shows - just look at how much insane stuff is going on screen.

How hard has it been getting to 720/30 on Xbox One?

Josh Bridge: It's been... Outside of infancy - every new platform launch, I've now learnt - it's always infancy on tools, and that's the back and forth with tools improving. It's very similar to a PC development environment, so that's been really cool. Happy to not be cross-platform, to be honest - it's a huge challenge for a game like ours. We have to do very specific things with memory allocation and drivers to get our stuff running, and in the past it was like wow, it made our teams quite a bit larger having multiple leads.
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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #140 il: 09 Nov 2013, 12:42 »
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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #141 il: 12 Nov 2013, 14:28 »
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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #142 il: 12 Nov 2013, 17:03 »
immagini in-game

« Ultima modifica: 12 Nov 2013, 17:08 da R11 »
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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #143 il: 12 Nov 2013, 19:33 »
Oh, il gioco mi interessa eh, non poco, ma in 'sti screen si vede certa robaccia che levati.  :no:
Contando che gira pure a 30 fps (e a giudicare dagli ultimi video, a tratti nemmeno ci arriva, tipo durante le rotazioni di camera)... ri-levati.  :no: :no:
Però, sempre a giudicare dagli stessi video, almeno sembrano aver risolto i problemi di tearing. Errr.
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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #144 il: 12 Nov 2013, 21:42 »
Oh, il gioco mi interessa eh, non poco, ma in 'sti screen si vede certa robaccia che levati.  :no:
Contando che gira pure a 30 fps (e a giudicare dagli ultimi video, a tratti nemmeno ci arriva, tipo durante le rotazioni di camera)... ri-levati.  :no: :no:
Però, sempre a giudicare dagli stessi video, almeno sembrano aver risolto i problemi di tearing. Errr.

La cosa imbarazzante e che a 30 ci arriva raramente.
Fortuna che è un esclusiva ottimizzata sull'hardware ^ ^"
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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #145 il: 12 Nov 2013, 21:48 »
Eh, su un hardware di qualche generazione fa, magari.
Tra l'altro si son pure dati una zappata atomica sui piedi, presentando la prima volta il gioco mentre girava su pc.
Il confronto tra i primissimi video (oggettivamente ottimi, secondo me) e lo stato finale delle cose rende il paragone ancora più impietoso, poracci.
Mi viene quasi da perdonargliela perchè è un titolo di lancio e in cui forse nemmeno credono fino in fondo, ma... no, hanno fatto un pessimo lavoro, non gliela perdono.
[XO] Live Tag: vikingus | [Ps4] nick: TFP_vik | Steam/Origin ID: Dario_vik  |
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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #146 il: 12 Nov 2013, 21:52 »
Spero che i pietroni della prima siano dovuti a un ritardo di aggiornamento delle texture che dura pochi istanti...

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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #147 il: 12 Nov 2013, 21:59 »
È un'ipotesi che ho avuto anche io, però si vedono cose analoghe sulle travi spaccate del cavalcavia nella terza foto.
E le palme? Ne vogliamo parlare? ^^'
Più in generale, tutto ha un aspetto piuttosto grezzo, e manca di pulizia.
Manca così tanto di pulizia, che gli elementi dell'HUD sembrano shoppati sullo shot del gioco, tale è il distacco di definizione tra le due cose.
[XO] Live Tag: vikingus | [Ps4] nick: TFP_vik | Steam/Origin ID: Dario_vik  |
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Re: [XO] Dead Rising 3
« Risposta #148 il: 12 Nov 2013, 22:04 »
Digital Foundry vs. Dead Rising 3

Our captures show the game upscaled to 1080p by the Xbox One - with results that are expectedly unkind to thin objects and flickering alpha elements like trees or fence-work. It's a bit of a disappointment in this sense, and continues to dangle a question mark over the capabilities of the console's hotly contested specs when it comes to titles striving for full HD

Accepting that some compromises go with the territory of developing a launch title, the question remains: has this technical trade-off been well-judged? Certainly, the zombie horde looks impressive in its increased numbers, and the boost here means the game's core appeal - the flourishes of fantastical violence - are ratcheted up another notch. The pop-in has also thankfully been reduced since the game's E3 appearance, though textures still visibly stream in after covering ground too quickly in vehicles. Object pop-in is mitigated through the use of a somewhat curious non-alpha fade-in technique, a visual quirk that has the polygonal structure of items like cones and fences fill out as our protagonist Nick Ramos walks forward. This gives a fizzling effect to weapons and vehicles too as they're summoned into the game world via the crafting system.

With all its rough edges, Dead Rising 3's intended impact as a next-gen title is clearly dulled, but there's enough here to show early Xbox One adopters a side of the zombie-slaying experience that couldn't be achieved on current-gen hardware. The zombie count and overall world size are impressive - amplified to a previously unheard volume where interplay with vehicles ties in appropriately with this shift in scale. However, the fact remains that the game's original brief as an Xbox 360 title is still very much felt in other areas; the pared-back alpha, texture streaming issues and jagged 720p presentation giving the impression that the series' potential is still somehow being bounded.

It's also unfortunate that the game runs at far from the promised locked 30fps - rather a chugging 20fps during the zombie action while out in the big city. Compared to the shaky E3 build seen just months ago this is still a respectable step forward, and of course many of the game's technical shortcomings come with the unique circumstances of meeting a hardware launch. All this amounts to an intriguing first attempt, then, but needless to say we're eager to see how Capcom Vancouver follows up on its sandbox survival-horror formula when it's given more breathing room with the deadline, more experience with the hardware, and factoring in the next-gen platform's strengths from the very start.
« Ultima modifica: 12 Nov 2013, 22:15 da Top Dogg »
Xbox Top Dogg Xyz
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