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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1065 il: 26 Giu 2015, 15:57 »
A 45 milioni mettono i sottotitoli in greco.

"Senti 'st'olive" ecc...

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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1066 il: 26 Giu 2015, 21:25 »
Se c'era ancora Mario Brega altro che er cravattaro.. er Kickstartaro faceva..
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^
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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1067 il: 26 Giu 2015, 21:38 »
Tie' senti 'sto yogurt, senti che d'è. È NZUCCHERO A SERGIOOO
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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1068 il: 27 Giu 2015, 02:16 »
Picco minimo di 25k

sembra essersi fermato su questa cifra almeno

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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1069 il: 27 Giu 2015, 10:04 »
Trascrizione del Q&A su Twitch

   "We have lots of very important things to get to so let's start right away!"

*They all pause to drink some Fanta*

Q: "One more time, explain Sony's role in Shenmue 3."

A: "Sony's providing us comprehensive support in terms of publishing and marketing, as well as funding of the project partially."

*Stream goes down due to technical issues*

Q: Once again they ask about Sony's role

A:"Sony is providing us comprehensive support in marketing, promotion, and funding. They are one of the most important partners of this project. But as we said before in our statement ... they are not receiving one cent from the Kickstarter... the funds collected in the KIckstarter project will be all used for development except for the fees used for the Kickstarter and for providing the Kickstarter rewards. Not a single cent will go to Sony from the Kickstarter funds."

Q: PS4 physical reward ?

A: "It's one of the most requested rewards and I personally want to prepare for it as a reward. We are now considering how we can provide the reward in such a way that satisfies the backers. Please be patient."

Q: Before you were talking about how the funds will be spent. Can you explain more?

A: "We have a pie chart for how the funds from Kickstarter will be spent. KS
Fees: 8 - 10 % Game development: 65 to 72% Backer rewards: 20 - 25% Most of the kickstarter funds are going to the game development. Everything excluding necessary fees and the reward fulfilment.. everything's gonna be used for development."

Q: "Will the real Ryo please stand up?"

A: "We're still improving the qualities of Ryo's face. Not satisfied with the face Ryo has right now. Today we have the latest version, a new pic or Ryo's face. (They show a pic) This new pic we're not satisfied with. Ryo still looks kind of 'frowny.' So I want to continue the improvement. I want to enhance Ryo's attactiveness and personality through not only the models but through the facial expressions and actions he does to make Ryo even better. So we are going to see an improved Ryo in the future. He'll be much better through the process of development."

Q: "Another big issue. Voice actors coming back to reprise their roles. Specifically Ryo. Will we be seeing them again?"

A: "So, I think that the original voice actors will be the best match for Ryo's voice. So I want them to come back as his real voice in shenmue 3 as well. I'm now in negotiation with them. Please wait. We'll have more details about that."

Q: "Will PayPal be an option to help fund Shenmue 3?"

A: "No definite answer, but we're looking into it."

Q: "Is Shenmue 3 going to be DRM free on PC?"

A: "We are now looking into it, but it's not something I alone can decide on. I'm talking to other parties to decide if that's possible... we're looking into it."

Q: "Shenmue 1/Shenmue II HD remaster: are we gonna see it?"

A: "I personally want to see them so that the fans can enjoy Shenmue 3 more. However the property rights belong to SEGA, so I'm not in a position to comment on it. But I want it, so I will talk to SEGA if that's possible."

Q: "More rewards?"

A: "Today we will have additional rewards. First of all we have the grab bags. A lot of surprises in different prize tears, starting from 1,000 dollars to 500 dollars. It contains Shenmue merchandise, and it is random, so you have fun in opening the bag. And also we'll have one more reward, that is the replica of Ryo's watch. There is only one. This will be in the 5,000 reward tier. *They show the watch*

Q: "What are the other rewards going to be like?"

A: "The grab bags will include for example special figures of Ryo. There are also Shenmue watches. (Not the one just shown.) They also include autographed art work. Check out the page later. The rewards will be up. Check it out! For today we have grab bags and watches but in the future we'll have more additional rewards so please stay tuned to the kickstarter page!"

Q: "Stretch goals... stretch goals... stretch goals. Can we get a little bit of explanation please, about the stretch goals."

A: "The budget we have right now, it's Shenmue with story elements. It will be Shenmue 3 up until the duel against the four big bosses. But with additional stretch goals, more areas are going to be added and expanded.

The Rapport system is the system that governs the changes in characters' attitudes toward you, depending upon actions you take in conversations. It will provide a new twist to Shenmue.

In Shenmue 3 there'll be a lot of occasions when you can obtain technique scrolls through special events, jobs, missions, etc. They can be used in battle right away as a QTE. However the advanced skill scrolls and arcane skill scrolls are managed in a tree diagram. Completing that tree will be another side of fun, and it links to the actual martial art learning.

Q: "More on stretch goals"

A: "With the area Baisha, we want to include new fun not included in Shenmue 2. Traditional tactics such as seige and infiltration that we see in warring kingdoms in traditional China are also added. But I want to make it Shenmue-like, easy to grasp, easy to play, and provide more fun.

There's an opportunity for the players to play as different characters. In that event you'll see different choices that different personalities offer, different from Ryo and other characters. That will provide more fun and more personality to the characters.

So there's a lot more stretch goals we published, but there will be a large amount of explanations and a large amount of fun still to come, so we'll leave it to other occasions to explain the other stretch goals.

Your cooperation is what makes this Kickstarter progress, so please support us!

Q: "How will Shenmue 3 at its current funding level be different from Shenmue 3 at the 10 million dollar level?"

A: "The current funding level - about 3.6 million - will have story oriented Shenmue. More focus on story. Exceeding 5 million will allow the development to include more things that are new, such as we explained about Baisha. Exceeding 10 million will allow for the players to enjoy a more open world like Shenmue."

Q: "When is Shenmue 3 going to be released?"

A: "It's expected to be released by the end of 2017. We're confident."

Q: "Is this the end of the story?"

A: "The initial storyline contained 11 chapters. With 1 & 2 it advanced to only a little bit of the 11 chapters. I considered doing the final game to include all the remaining chapters, but in the final consideration it would be skipping all the big arcs, and the completeness of the game would be less enjoyable. So this Shenmue 3 will have more storylines, but this structure will not finish the storyline with Shenmue 3."

Q: "When can we play the trial version?"

A: "It requires many of the basic systems to be developed. The release date of the demo version will be the latter half of the development stage. It might be after the new year of 2017. Until then it requires more development for the basics."


Please keep sending us your questions. We want to make Shenmue 3 the best we can. Please share the project. Get the word out. Let everybody know that Shenmue 3 is happening, and we need everybody to support and make sure that we make this Shenmue 3 spectacular."

Q: "Final thoughts?"

A: "I always want to do new things. I hope to achieve all the things I want to do in the new Shenmue, matching with what the Shenmue the fans want, to meet the ten million dollar goal. We ask your continued support, and that you spread the word around to make Shenmue a real thing! Thank-you very much!"

"Let's make this happen! Everybody has been so great the past fourteen years. Making it happen. It's happening now. #SaveShenmue! Let's do this! Thank-you!"       

Sostanzialmente : Inseriranno a breve la versione fisica per Ps4, Suzuki proverá a convincere Sega a rilasciare una collection HD dei primi due, nuovi rewards, consentiranno donazioni via Paypal, uscita prevista fine 2017. Ah si, la storia non finisce con Shenmue 3

Hanno dato una ritoccata al modello di Ryo, ma non è ancora definitivo ovviamente

« Ultima modifica: 27 Giu 2015, 10:08 da Raven »
Most Wanted : Shenmue 4

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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1070 il: 27 Giu 2015, 10:12 »
"Inseriranno a breve la versione fisica per Ps4"


Offline SixelAlexiS

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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1071 il: 27 Giu 2015, 12:39 »
@chi è registrato su NeoGaf

Può dire a questo tizio che quasi sicuramente in Sega All Star non hanno rimodellato Ryu ma hanno semplicemente usato il modello di Shenmue Passport ^^ ?

Grazie :'D

p.s. tra l'altro sono ancora oggi bellissimi, se li riciclassero/pulissero non si offenderebbe nessuno, anzi...

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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1072 il: 29 Giu 2015, 01:04 »
Toh come è andato su dopo la twitchata

Se solo fosse stato un minimo decente questa campagna KS..

Offline The Fool

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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1073 il: 29 Giu 2015, 01:52 »
Oddio che ansia. Basta, te prego :lol:

La twitchata de che?
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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1074 il: 29 Giu 2015, 03:50 »
Il Q&A su Twitch riportato sopra da Ravan.
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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1076 il: 29 Giu 2015, 12:28 »
Ma è brutto.

Sembra malato di porfiria. E non c'azzecca con Ryo :hurt:

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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1077 il: 29 Giu 2015, 14:23 »
La cosa peggiore che possa accadere a un gioco che ti sta a cuore è che non veda mai la luce.
La seconda cosa peggiore che possa accadere è che approdi su Kickstarter. Specie se sei una persona ansiosa.
L'isteria e l'iperbolicità delle persone che seguono e commentano, e che nel 90% non hanno presente come funzionano questo tipo di campagne è insostenibile :D
10.000$ in meno rispetto a ieri??? Madò fallimento!!!!!! A questo punto neanche uscirà!!!!!!!!!!! Che disastro!!!!!11!!!!!!!!! A questo punto neanche si arriverà a 100.000$ in 20 giorni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Madò guardate i grafici!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Avevano ragione i publisher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Non ci sono aggiornamenti ogni 20 minuti??? Incompetenti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ecco perchè nessuno sta donando!!!!!!!!!!! Hanno distrutto tutto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adesso vado a rimuovere la mia donazione!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
E il bello è che ora tutti citano l'incredibile professionalità della campagna di Bloodstained, quando all'epoca lagggente si stracciava i capelli perchè non c'erano trenta update al giorno e gli stretch goal erano una truffa, e gli achievement social erano una stronzata, e tutto era amatoriale. Basta guardare il topic del gioco anche qui su Tfp eh.
Cioè, non che in questo caso non ci siano dei legittimi motivi di perplessità, ma il modo in cui l'internet ha individuato in sti Awesome Japan il tormentone su cui battere fino all'esasperazione è ridicolo, cristo.
« Ultima modifica: 29 Giu 2015, 14:25 da Liulai »

Offline Nemesis Divina

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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1078 il: 29 Giu 2015, 14:29 »
È internet.
Se ci sei dentro, stacce  ;)

« Ultima modifica: 29 Giu 2015, 14:36 da Nemesis Divina »
Le cose hanno rotto il cazzo! Digitale 100%

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Re: [PC][PS4] Shenmue III
« Risposta #1079 il: 29 Giu 2015, 14:34 »
sì ma fa ridere che a battere a coppe su questa campagna "fallimentare" (quasi 4 milioni e 18 giorni che mancano  :D ) sia gente che il gioco non lo vuole giocare, e sono soprattutto giocatori che anziché gioire di shenmue 3, si sentono traditi perché suzuki ha fatto l'accordo con sony11!111

TL;DR: SALTY.  :-*
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