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Atomiswave: info cercasi
« Risposta #15 il: 16 Lug 2005, 13:51 »
Si cambia la cartuccia ma ti conviene prendere un gd-rom Naomi se hai gia' il cabinato a posto, piuttosto di cambiarlo, questo era il senso  :D

Comunque metto giu' qualcosa poi facciamo i confronti:

Codice: [Seleziona]
The NAOMI (New Arcade Operation Machine Idea) is also Japanese for beauty above all else.
CPU : Hitachi SH-4 32-bit RISC CPU (200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS)
Graphic Engine : PowerVR 2 (PVR2DC)
Sound Engine : ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM)
Main Ram : 32 megs
Main Memory : 32 MByte
Graphic Memory : 16 MByte
Sound Memory : 8 MByte
Media : ROM Board (maximum size of 172MBytes) / GD-Rom
Simultaneous Number of Colors : Approx. 16,770,000 (24bits)
Polygons : 2.5 Million polys/sec
Rendering Speed : 500 M pixel/sec
Additional Features : Bump Mapping, Fog, Alpha-Bending (transparency), Mip Mapping (polygon-texture auto switch), Tri-Linear Filtering, Anti-Aliasing, Environment Mapping, and Specular Effect.
Known games on Naomi hardware : 56+
NAOMI (New Arcade Operation Machine Idea) also Japanese for beauty above all else.
Notice that Naomi has twice the amount of main memory and graphics memory that Dreamcast has, so ports from Naomi to Dreamcast may involve more conversion time. Also note that the Naomi board has four times the sound memory of the Dreamcast, and the reason for this is because the Naomi board is'nt meant to spool redbook audio from the GD-ROM drive.

The Naomi architecture is very flexible in that a cabinet can have anywhere from 1 to 16 boards. A multi board system would operate in parallel increasing the power of the system tremendously! Theoritically a 16 board Naomi system could do (16 x 3.5 mpps) = 56 million polygons per second maximum! Realistically it would most likely be around 20 to 30 mpps. Then of course there is also the issue of the CPU being capable of driving all of this hardware.

Codice: [Seleziona]
The NAOMI (New Arcade Operation Machine Idea) is also Japanese for beauty above all else.

The GD Rom upgrade is compatible with Naomi and Naomi 2 via the option port on the top of the board. It comes with a Dimm board, very similar to the ROM board on a normal Naomi cartridge, but has RAM instead of ROMS.
RAM board Uses normal PC type DIMM's, so upgrading memory is not a problem, and relativly cheap.

The GD Rom system has a very clever way of getting around the loading delay time. When the game is initially installed, the GD ROM loads its content into the Naomi RAM. Once this is completed, the GD ROM goes into standby unless the RAM gets corupted or the game gets shut off for 72 hours or more. This does two things,

1) Eliminates loading delays completely, (after initial power up.)
2) Minimizes the on/off cycles of the GD ROM drive and greatly increasing the life of this mechanical device.

From Sega R+D - "We learned a lesson watching our coin-op competitors go through hardware hell. Many have been using off-board storage devices for years - hard drives, CD's, etc. with great success in increased content but at a tremendous cost in realiablity. These storage devices simply could not withstand the constant on/off cycling a coin-op application demands. Add to that the dirt and smoke a game has to put up with on location vs. a normal computer application and you can see how this was a problem waiting to happen"

The GD-Rom system uses an electronic "key" that plugs into the DIMM module to act as an activator, to prevent people just copying the GD-Roms, visible on the top right of the pictures. A different key is supplied with every game.

There is a well founded rumor that Sega may use this system for having multigame cabinets like the neogeo multi systems, as the GR-Rom can store a LOT of data....

Offline greven

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Atomiswave: info cercasi
« Risposta #16 il: 16 Lug 2005, 13:55 »
Ok, a parte la main memory hai ragione! Avanzi una birra  :D

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Atomiswave: info cercasi
« Risposta #17 il: 16 Lug 2005, 13:59 »
Ok, capito. Pero' ora non escono piu' giochi per Naomi mentre per AtomisWave si, quindi i vari distributori saranno costretti, prima o poi, a cambiare.

Per le specifiche, hai visto, sono identiche.

AtomisWave = Naomi = Dreamcast col doppio di RAM

Ed e' la game board piu' economica attualmente in commercio.

Offline greven

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Atomiswave: info cercasi
« Risposta #18 il: 16 Lug 2005, 14:08 »
Tutto giusto. Ora la vedo con occhio migliore  :)
Comunque leggi "Piccoli calibri" su questo Videogiochi, la simpatia sembra andare ancora a Naomi. La mia di certo, perdonatemi  :lol:

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Re: Atomiswave: info cercasi
« Risposta #19 il: 16 Ott 2009, 19:32 »
oggi ho provato l'emulatore della atomiswave con Hokuto e va da DIO!

che voi sappiate e' l'unico gioco che hanno dumpato al momento?

Offline Nekros

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Re: Atomiswave: info cercasi
« Risposta #20 il: 17 Ott 2009, 11:04 »
Wipeout HD Fury (PS3) Super Street Fighter IV (PS3) Apollo Justice (DS)

Offline lawless

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Re: Atomiswave: info cercasi
« Risposta #21 il: 19 Ott 2009, 09:20 »
ho trovato questo sito:

mi par di capire che e' stata dumpata anche altra roba