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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #60 il: 18 Dic 2009, 18:39 »
se fa solo da supervisore è già diverso :) avevo paura altrimenti!
Vuoi condividere le tue identità online o aggiungere qualche TFPer alle tue liste amici? Questo è il topic che fa per te!

Offline guren no kishi

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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #61 il: 18 Dic 2009, 18:51 »
Non ti preoccupare, Koji deve solo pensare a trovare i dindi per Zoe3 e a farmi filmati da due ore con mech che fanno esplodere il mondo.

Offline Mr.Pickman

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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #62 il: 18 Dic 2009, 20:16 »
Un vampiro generico. Ci sta.
Ma sarebbe ora di gameplay footage!!!!!!
Kojima, frustali a dovere 'sti occidentali!

Ma ci sono.
Basta vedere il trailerone "extended"  ;D

Offline guren no kishi

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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #63 il: 18 Dic 2009, 20:19 »
Ma è pochissima roba.

Offline Mr.Pickman

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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #64 il: 18 Dic 2009, 20:28 »
Ma è pochissima roba.

Pazienza giovine, le tenebre presto si lascieranno domare.

Ps. Hype Castlevaniotica a mille cmq tra il film diretto da James Wan, il gioco (solo 1 ? ^^..mah) e pure l'anime di Akumajou Densetsu scritto da Ellis, il 2010 è l'anno della rivincita di questa saga su TUTTO il mondo videoludico.
Mario Usuck.
E poi c'è pure il Kojima immanicato dentro...secondo me ci troveremo di fronte ad un GOW Castlevanioso con feature tipo Kid Chamaleon (la maschera...)


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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #65 il: 21 Dic 2009, 22:36 »
Io questa non l'avevo vista ancora ^o^

Confermata l'arma di Gabriel : La Combat-Cross  :D una croce che all'occorrenza diventa frusta di fuoco.
Confermata pure l'assenza quasi totale di elementi RPG.
Diverse chicche "storiche" per i fans della serie...D1 e bon. :-* 

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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #66 il: 20 Gen 2010, 20:31 »
News - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

New Details On Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

The new Castlevania project which is being developed by Kojima Productions has released a couple of new details in the last week. David Cox, producer on the game, has tweeted a few juicy details.

Firstly, he mentions that the "PS3 is the lead platform but the game is identical on both formats." This is good news for PS3 owners as it means that we are likely to get an equal or slightly better version of the game. So far, every game that has had the PS3 as a lead platform has looked almost identical on both consoles, the same cannot be said when the 360 has been the lead platform.

He also replied to the following question, "Could we rotate the camera to see the landscape for example, or is the camera always fixed with no control over it?"

David Cox replied, "Camera is fixed. You cannot control it." This means that we are likely to see a very cinematic game, similar to God of War, as it suggests that the game will be able to go into cutscenes seamlessly.

the game is identical on both formats

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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #67 il: 21 Feb 2010, 16:52 »
Scans da una rivista spagnola:

Info tradotte da un utente di Castlevania Dungeon:

Scan 1.

“The story of how a remake became the best castlevania in history”
One man enters in a castle and fights whit his whip against creatures for saving his girl from the fangs of Dracula. We can add anything we want for building a story of vampires bigger than anything ever told, but in essence this is a CASTLEVANIA. “We are not making God of War. We are not making Devil May Cry…, we love these games and we admire them, but when Castlevania Lord of Shadows will be released, people are going to see clearly that this is not the same kind of game” says Dave Cox, the head of Konami´s title. “It´s darker, we use more the atmosphere. Yes, we have action, but we have also quieter areas because the game has a platform component enormous, many puzzles and a shaking storyline”, he says.
Game producer says, almost whispering, that Castlevania LOS was going to be a remake of the original Castlevania: ”we sat down and decided that it was going to be a remake of the original Castlevania. The main character was going to be Simon Belmont and the concept was to rebuild the story of the first game. But we saw that this had already been made in Super Castlevania IV . We thought there is none sense in making something already done”. And the proposal was to rerelease the saga from its essence.
“Super Castlevania IV is my Bible” Cox says. “If you remember it, you used the chain to hold on things, to swing, to jump…that´s the basic concept” the platforms were the base on those games in which we went from corridor to corridor inside vampirical castles. “We have played all the games preceding Super Castlevania IV and we have asked ourselves what had those games for loving them so much” and that platform and “hack and slash” concepts have become the epicenter of Konami´s new creature. “The idea was to rebuild the hack´n slash classics of the 8 and 16 bits era, but in three dimensions”.

Thing in platforms in Uncharted 2 style, impossible jumps and an intense use of the whip for holding on things and going from one place to another. To that add a profound combat system-yes, God of War flavor- and a good dose of puzzles.---
(NOTE: I think some pages are lost because the scans goes from 11 to 14 pages and the sense of the text at the end and beginning of both pages respectively is not coincidence)

Scan 2

---Shown, Konami´s game appears as an action adventure with a hero facing enormous creatures, and that makes you think they are creating “another” action game. “When we will approach the release date people will realize that the platforms has great importance in our game, that puzzles are essential. The olds Castlevanias were all platforms games, and we took a good look at that”, says the producer.
“All begins with a main character whith a whip, but Castlevania was there before God of War appears, then, they were who have been inspired in Castlevania. God of War is very bombastic, full of action scenes and you feel like in the edge anytime. Our game is closer, more realistic, our protagonist does not says “I am going to crush you”, he has a mission and it is something credible”
Castlevania?, An Spanish developer?
As Dave Cox says, Enric Álvarez (Mercury Steam) appears in Konami Europe with a project, it was one of the first things Konami´s people in Europe saw working on a PS3. They show it to their Japanese bosses and, although they were impressed, they don´t have any references of the Spanish developer and decided don´t trust in the proposal. Mecury Steam worked in the developing of “Jericho“ after that but Dave and Enric didn´t lost contact, they exchange emails those years. “The opportunity appears when we have to create an internal video for the presentation of the new Castlevania project” says Cox. He phoned Enric and made him the proposal of making such video and he accepted. They made the video using the in-game engine they developed for the proposal to Konami Europe of the remake of the first Castlevania with Belmont as the main character. The chief director loved it (Note of the Translator: I think this is bad redacted as they didn´t say previously that the initial proposal of Mercury Steam to Konami Europe was to remake the original Castlevania)
There were then a hazy moment when no one trusted in making the remake, then some put on the table the possibility of creating a new Castlevania for giving fresh air to the series. The idea that the developing studio of the project were an studio outside of Japan, European an Spanish, frightened. “I think at the beginning people fear the idea of bringing Castlevania to a new direction. There were people who wanted to continue in the same direction.” Says Cox. Even considering the data which indicated a loose of importance of the series (in sales and popularity) in Japan, for Konami seemed easier don´t change nothing.
And GC-2008 came. Konami bosses didn’t trust in the new direction of the series yet and, in the last moment, the decided don´t announce the game as an new title in the Castlevania franchise and they named it as “Lord of Shadows” waiting to see reception of the new title. “We have a guy in armor and a chain as a weapon…I thought that people were going to say it was a Castlevania. Many people thought it. After that we receive a phone call from one of the Japanese bosses, he told us: “Can you show what are you working in?”. After a few days, Dave Cox flew to Japan with a copy of the game, a video and a presentation. In the meeting was Kojima and the rest of the directors. He showed them the game and let them impressed. “When we got out Kojima came to me and he said me: “I want to help you with this, Dave”. From that moment Konami decided that the project deserved the risk and they betted for the new direction in the series” Dave Cox says.
The rest is secret. Nothing has been shown and it seems that E3-2010 is one of the key moments for Konami this year. Two trailers, some screenshots and some other little details is all that Konami let us know of the enormous mosaic of this gothic stained glass window were are facing.
We know Gabriel seeks for blood. There will be castles. And enormous blood-thirsty creatures. Atmosphere will soak our bones. Music will change our mood and will soak our heart with its sad drizzle. We will have to go over stages brandishing our whip. It moves us. We love to think that we are about to face a Castlevania like “Simon´s Quest” or “Belmont´s Revenge”. We love to think that blood of Castlevania come back to be pure.


“Advices of a AAA expert”.
Kojima is the chief, but his role is as a mentor
As complicated it could seem, the role of Kojima in the creative process of LOS is crucial for turning an excellent game into an essential game. Dave Cox, game producer, tells us “Kojima is the boss and I inform him directly. I tell him anything related with the game. But he works more as an adviser in creativity questions , his role is giving us support in technical issues, marketing, gameplay issues, press relations..,etc. Hideo Kojima has been in Spain (and it is expected he will come back before the end of the development of the game) for supervising the creation from inside the Spanish team. His idea is to advise as a mentor of the title and help not saying “you have to do this” but saying “this is great, but if you do it this way it may be greater”. It is known that even people from Kojima´s team has come to Spain for helping in the creating of Gabriel´s facial animations.

« Ultima modifica: 21 Feb 2010, 16:54 da SegaSonic »

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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #68 il: 21 Feb 2010, 17:10 »
A me 'sto gioco sa di fico. Ho letto che non avrà CG, vi risulta?
Sembra davvero bello e ispirato, esteticamente.

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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #69 il: 21 Feb 2010, 17:24 »
A me 'sto gioco sa di fico. Ho letto che non avrà CG, vi risulta?
Sembra davvero bello e ispirato, esteticamente.
Così hanno detto.

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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #70 il: 21 Feb 2010, 17:35 »
Dalla preview, mi è sembrato di capire che il gioco in sé non sarà innovativo nella sue fasi, ma sarà innovativo per l'integrazione dei generi (puzzle, platform e action). Il game designer ci tiene a precisare che il titolo non si ispira a god of war, ma che è quest'ultimo ad essersi ispirato ai prequel di castlevania.

Si sottolinea anche l'atmosfera: cupa, nonostante il background sentimentale del protagonista: egli infatti è alla ricerca di una ragazza (o della sua fidanzata). Particolare enfasi è stata posta sulla caratterizzazione emotiva del personaggio: dinamica, sotto quest'aspetto più realistica rispetto a quella di Kratos.

Speriamo! :-)
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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #71 il: 21 Feb 2010, 22:11 »
Onestamente non mi sembra che GoW si sia ispirato a Castlevania un granchè.
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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #72 il: 02 Mar 2010, 20:24 »
Onestamente non mi sembra che GoW si sia ispirato a Castlevania un granchè.

Beh...i Belmondò la usano da un pochino la frusta.
Forse intendeva codesto il Cox.

Ecco il succo del papiro engrish precedente ^^o

*Nonostante il titolo sia in lavorazione a Madrid, il ruolo di supervisore di Kojima è centrale: è lui che detta la strada da seguire nella giocabilità, nelle animazioni, nelle espressioni dei personaggi e persino nel marketing

* Lords of Shadow sarà decisamente diverso dagli altri action come Devil May Cry o God of War: sarà molto più cupo e con una trama più matura e profonda, comprendente forse una travagliata storia d’amore

* Come in Uncharted 2, l’eroe non potrà saltare ma sarà in grado di scalare le sporgenze e di servirsi della frusta non solo per attaccare ma anche a mò di rampino

* Previsto un sistema di combattimento particolarmente profondo e variegato, oltre ad una serie di enigmi da risolvere per proseguire nella campagna in singolo o per ricercare oggetti collezionabili e potenziamenti

* Originariamente Lords of Shadow doveva essere un remake del primissimo capitolo di Castlevania, ma siccome un simile progetto videoludico è già stato portato a termine con Castlevania IV si è deciso di creare un qualcosa di completamente nuovo e in tre dimensioni. Nonostante questo, Super Castlevania IV del 1991 era e rimane la primaria fonte di ispirazione per gli sviluppatori

* Sia le armi primarie che secondarie potranno essere liberamente potenziabili, anche attraverso delle reliquie collezionabili da Gabriel nel prosieguo dell’avventura

* Il sistema di combattimento non si ridurrà in un semplice trita-bottoni, ma sarà tanto profondo da obbligarci ad impostare delle strategie sempre diverse sia per ogni tipologia di nemico incontrabile, sia per ogni ambiente in cui dovremo scontrarli

* Il gioco è al 70-75% del suo sviluppo, ma allo stato attuale è già giocabile dall’inizio alla fine.

* L’intenzione di Kojima e dei MercurySteam è quella di creare un mondo di gioco pulsante di vita, che sappia portare la serie di Castlevania a livelli mai raggiunti in precedenza

* Lords of Shadow sarà mostrato in versione giocabile al prossimo E3: la maschera del teaser trailer d’annuncio dell’anno scorso è un oggetto che riveste un ruolo basilare nello sviluppo della trama


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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #73 il: 02 Mar 2010, 21:14 »
E' la maschera di pietra di JoJo.

Comunque sia, dita incrociate.

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Re: [PS3][360] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
« Risposta #74 il: 02 Mar 2010, 21:17 »
E' la maschera di pietra di JoJo.

Comunque sia, dita incrociate.

Vorrai dire
"Tecnica delle dita incrociate della scuola di Zeppeli"